How to create a listing?
To create a listing, follow these simple steps:
Click on the "Create a listing" option.

Select the type of listing you wish to add: sale or donation.

Fill in the various categories and add photos.

Make sure to complete all fields marked with an asterisk, as they are mandatory. For shipping, specify the dimensions of any item exceeding 220 cm. If the brand or model of the item is unknown, simply indicate "N/A" or "Unknown." The weight is also essential for shipping and calculating the environmental impact.
NB: Indicate the unit price of items in case of a donation. The platform allows businesses to benefit from a tax deduction based on a percentage of the value of goods donated to a public interest association. To draft the tax receipt, knowing the value of the donated goods is essential.
Once all the fields are filled, click on "Submit" to "Publish your listing".

Click on the "Create a listing" option.

Select the type of listing you wish to add: sale or donation.

Fill in the various categories and add photos.

Make sure to complete all fields marked with an asterisk, as they are mandatory. For shipping, specify the dimensions of any item exceeding 220 cm. If the brand or model of the item is unknown, simply indicate "N/A" or "Unknown." The weight is also essential for shipping and calculating the environmental impact.
NB: Indicate the unit price of items in case of a donation. The platform allows businesses to benefit from a tax deduction based on a percentage of the value of goods donated to a public interest association. To draft the tax receipt, knowing the value of the donated goods is essential.
Once all the fields are filled, click on "Submit" to "Publish your listing".

Updated on: 30/09/2024
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