How to communicate with the seller after an order?
Please note that you can only contact the seller responsible for your order if the order has been placed and paid for.
To contact the seller, go to the "My Conversations" tab by clicking on the chat icon located at the top right of your screen.

Here you will find all the conversations with the sellers responsible for your orders. If you have multiple orders with the same seller, each order will have its own conversation to avoid any confusion.
It is also possible to enable browser notifications by checking the dedicated option, so you receive an alert when your correspondent sends a message.

We recommend contacting the seller if your order contains large volumes that may require more time than the traditional 15-minute collection slot.
To contact the seller, go to the "My Conversations" tab by clicking on the chat icon located at the top right of your screen.

Here you will find all the conversations with the sellers responsible for your orders. If you have multiple orders with the same seller, each order will have its own conversation to avoid any confusion.
It is also possible to enable browser notifications by checking the dedicated option, so you receive an alert when your correspondent sends a message.

We recommend contacting the seller if your order contains large volumes that may require more time than the traditional 15-minute collection slot.
Updated on: 30/09/2024
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